In August 2015 we held an intensive weekend of surveying, which more than 40 bat workers attended.
In the months leading up to this the Bedfordshire Bat Group carried out intensive preliminary field work.
We got the interim report done within 6 weeks, but when it came to writing up, there was more data there then we realised. Thanks to Danny Fellman ( Bat Group Char) Bob got to grips with QGIS and produced numerous maps. Because of the amount of data collected statistical analysis was also possible.(Thanks to Pat Bellamy for archane statistical advice).
We had promised participants a copy of the report, but since then we have given talks to a number of other Bat Groups and feel it should be more widely available.
Finally it is done
You can download the report (c) Bedforshire Bat Group from this page
The Main Report (3Mb) Greater Stockgrove report July 2016
Background ,Planning, Methodology. Preparatory surveys, The BatMap weekend. Species distribution, discussion and additional information
Appendices(1.9Mb) Greater Stockgrove report appendices
Appendix 1 Bat Detector surveys in Greater Stockgrove 2015
Appendix 2 Evaluation of methods
Appendix 3 Location of Bat Boxes
appendix 4 Trees with roost potential