Jonathan climbs a tree

Photo Bob Cornes

Photo Bob Cornes

Jonathan made the mistake of telling us he had done a tree climbing course with Henry Andrews and was happy to try out his new skills.Bob was very happy to take him to Kings Wood and watch proceedings from the ground. Sunday morning was somewhat wet, so having taken refuge in the Rushmere cafe, they checked some of the Rushmere trees from the ground and when the weather improved, Jonathan did some ladder checks.

Anybody home? Photo Bob Cornes

Anybody home? Photo Bob Cornes

They then decamped to Kings Wood, where Jonathan was able to swarm about while Bob stood on the ground taking photos. Sadly all Jonathan’s efforts did not find any bats at home, but closer examination of some of the trees showed that the trees weren’t actually that suitable for bats- but there are still lots to check if Jonathan is so minded (and there will of course be cake)

Photo Bob Cornes

Photo Bob Cornes



What do you mean bat workers are a bunch of tree huggers photo Bob Cornes

What do you mean bat workers are a bunch of tree huggesr?  Photo Bob Cornes

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