Bat Conservation Trust Regional Conference

Booking is now open for the Bat C0nservation Trust’s  East of England conference on April 14th. This was last held two years ago and this should be another  good day

The 2012 East of England Bat Conference will take place at:   The West Wing at Ickworth near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

This is a day event for bat workers and bat enthusiasts who live in the East of England or who are members of bat groups in the region. That is in: Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Herts and Middlesex.

Admission is £35 per delegate. The day rate includes a soup & sandwich lunch and refreshments.

The programme is being finalised but it will include talks about: soprano pipistrelles and churches, barbastelles in Suffolk, professional standards and Bats for All, as well as updates from East of England bat groups. There will also be a choice of workshops on subjects such as bats and trees, introduction to sound analysis, churches and AnaBat/Analook


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