Roost Hunt at Harrold Odell Country Park

Three brave bat group souls braved the flood plane that is Harrold Odell Country Park today and went hunting for bat roosts. (Hedj who has been nicknamedĀ  Boy Chunder was unable to attend due to having spent all night throwing up after a night on the town). This year they walked up along what is usually the meadow.

As the photos below show the park was spectacular today and just for a change it wasn’t raining.

Photo Bob Cornes

Photo Bob Cornes


The water body above is occupying the water meadow. They braved the flood and located some very promising holes which we can look at again when the waters subside.

Photo Bob Cornes

Photo Bob Cornes



They also got talking to one of the Rangers who has said the Friends of Harrold Odell might be able to sponsor a few bat boxes there. Kelly who organises the Harrold Odell survey has gone home to draw up some proposals.

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