Bat at the Library

The Bill Martin, Jr. Picture Book Award winner for 2010 is Bats at the Library

The Bill Martin, Jr. Picture Book Award winner for 2010 is Bats at the Library

Soggy is working hard trying to get as many captive bats out as possible before the weather closes . Some of her charges are resisting her efforts and we had two new charges in the last two days.

Last night, Lucy, a member of the public drove over from Dunstable with the bat He had been hanging on the wall at Dunstable Library for a couple of days. What is a woodland bat doing in Dunstable Town Centre?  A look at Google has shown some possible commuting routes .

He seems healthy, so what is he doing.? Hanging out on the street looking for a female or has he done so much courting he has worn himself out?  Answers on a postcard please.

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