
Ever since Senior keeper Tyrone  joined Whipsnade, we have been carrying out more surveys at the zoo.# Last year we deployed a number of SM4s around the zoo as well as our regular walked transects, and were able to send a report of our findings to ZSL

We have identified more areas for intensive studies with SM4s this season.

Whipsnade has a number of Lookout Lodges where families get to stay overnight at the zoo, which includes a walk around the zoo at night.https://www.whipsnadezoo.org/plan-your-visit/zoo-experiences/lookout-lodge-zoo-sleepover


 We have been suggesting for a while that we could train staff to help run bat walks

Tyrone and Bob ran an indoor training session on Saturday 15 th April for the enthusiastic group and as luck would have it a keeper found a grounded pipistrelle in the zoo and the group was able to meet a real life bat.


photos  by Hannah Cole

On Monday 24th April we put theory into practice with a bat walk. I say in theory as it was a really cold night and very few bats were about.


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