Bat Group committee meeting

The February committee meeting is always our busiest of the year as we gird our loins for the new season. We covered an awful lot of ground – confirming events for 2014, planning the AGM, ceiding what equipmwent to buy – all the usual stuff.

Then things got surreal as the rapberry pi project was discussed.We were joined by Gill a  raspbery pi whizz and had a cvery useful discussion as to what we could do. I say ” we”   as some of us got completely lost, but the  technology literate amongst us batted ideas back and forth and came up with what seems like a plan. I must confess I was in the category of people who had no idea what was being discussed, but as Danny sad the great strength of our committee is that we have a wide range of backgrounds and experience.

raspbery buns

raspberry buns Photo Jude Hirstwood

I made up for my lack of techno savvy by baking some raspberry buns. We were so busy talking, there were even a few left at the end of the meeting

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