Stotlfold Mill on the River Ivel was burnt down in 1992 but has been lovingly restored by a group of enthusiasts. On Saturday we went to talk about bat to group of youngsters that meet there. We took our captive Noctule with us, and always she proved a great hit with the children and and their parents.
We were speculating whether bats would have lived in the mill or whether it would have been to noisy for them. At the end of our session we discovered there were indeed a small colony of them. These as you might expect were identified as Daubenton’s
We were speculating whether bats would have lived in the mill or whether it would have been to noisy for them. At the end of our session we discovered there were indeed a small colony of them. These as you might expect were identified as Daubenton’s. You can download a version of this mask produced by the Bat Conservation Trust here
We were able to see the mill working at the end of our talk and if only we had thought we could have bought some freshly ground oats to feed to the mealworms that we feed to our captive bat.