Bat care course

Photo Jude Hirstwood

Photo Jude Hirstwood

At what felt like silly o’clock a group of us turned out for a morning’s bat care course. This was led by Simon who is in charge of bat care – a rather sleepy Simon as he has a newborn son who has yet to get the idea that sleep is a good thing.



Photo Jude Hirstwood

Photo Jude Hirstwood

After a break for coffee and cake (provided by  his wife Claara who is obviously taking the birth of her second child very much in her stride) , people with up to date inoculations were able to practice their bat handling skills, while watched by

uninnocculated members who in several cases got their first view of a bat in the hand.We took along the captive noctule and Colin brought us a common and soprano pipistrelle that are permanent captive he looks after for the EssexBat Group.

We shared the hall with a group of spinners who took a break from their spinning to come and meet the bats.


Photo Jude HirstwoodAidan showing  what a bat's wing looks like

Photo Jude Hirstwood
Aidan showing what a bat’s wing looks like








So after a skills brush up and some new recruits to the team we are  ready for the new season. We hope new recruits will be able to go along with more experienced carers when they go off to collect bats throughout Bedfordshire.


injured batIf you find a grounded bat, your first polnt of call should always be the Bat Conservation Trust’s National Bat Helpline 0845 1300 228, who will then pass the call onto Simon. if you are calling from Bedfordshire or to other Bat Groups if you are calling from elsewhere Please do note that carers are volunteers who are often at work during the day and may be unable to  respond immediately. For advice on what to do with a grounded bat check here

The costs of the bat care team are met by contributions form donations at talks and events .

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